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歯を失う恐ろしい病気 歯周病とは? – Periodontal disease, the dreaded disease of tooth loss




深谷市にある歯医者 ふかや夢デンタルクリニックの院長 松本眞左大です。



今回は【歯を失う恐ろしい病気 歯周病とは?】というテーマでお話していきたいと思っております。

















埼玉県 深谷市 ふかや夢デンタルクリニック
歯科医師・院長  松本眞左大



<If you prefer English>

Hello everyone! My name is Masahiro Matsumoto, Director of Fukaya Yume Dental Clinic, a dentist in Fukaya City.
Through this blog, I will share with you stories that will be useful for your oral health. I hope you will check it out and find it as helpful as possible.


This time, I would like to talk about periodontal disease, a dreadful disease that causes tooth loss.
Periodontal disease is one of the major causes of tooth loss and is a scary disease with no symptoms. For those who do not know, I will explain the details of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is a general term for gingivitis and periodontitis. In most cases, you may not even be aware of the progression of the disease, and by the time you notice it, it has worsened. It is important to have a correct understanding of the disease and to always be aware of prevention. First, let’s deepen our understanding.


The symptoms of periodontal disease worsen as the “periodontal pocket” progresses.
Periodontal pockets” are grooves between the teeth and gums. Inflammation occurs due to the accumulation of food debris and other stains in these pockets and the growth of bacteria. This is the initial stage of periodontal disease. The most common cause of periodontal disease is not brushing the teeth properly. The most important point in preventing periodontal disease is to develop proper tooth brushing habits.


This early stage is called gingivitis, and since this condition is still mild, the symptoms can be quickly corrected with daily care. The most important thing to keep in mind is to make sure that you have the right gingivitis treatment for you. If care is neglected, the disease will progress rapidly and by the time subjective symptoms appear, it will be too late. It is important to take good care of your teeth, assuming the worst.


According to a survey on periodontal disease, two out of three people over 30 years of age are infected with periodontal disease. Perhaps many of you reading this blog may be thinking, “I don’t have gum disease. Most people tend to neglect daily care of their teeth simply because they are not aware of symptoms such as changes in appearance or pain. Many people are infected but are unaware of it, so we recommend that you have a thorough examination to make sure you have the correct knowledge.


It has recently become clear that keeping the oral cavity healthy has a significant impact on the prevention of systemic diseases. The teeth are the first digestive organs that come into contact with food when it is first ingested. When people take in nutrition, chewing with the teeth helps prevent obesity and aids in food digestion.


It has also been found that periodontal disease is actually responsible for increasing the risk of developing serious diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, and heart disease. Above all, regular checkups at the dentist are extremely important to maintain good oral health, reduce the risk of serious illnesses, and to keep the enjoyment of eating as you age.


At Fukaya Yume Dental Clinic, we focus on preventive dentistry and make every effort to reduce the risk of periodontal disease. If you have any symptoms that concern you, please visit us.


Sincerely yours,
Masahiro Matsumoto

矯正担当医ご紹介 – Introduction of Orthodontist


こんにちは。ふかや夢デンタルクリニックの矯正担当医 井上です。



<If you prefer English>

Hello. I am Inoue, an orthodontist at Fukaya Yume Dental Clinic. I work at the Department of Orthodontics, Tokyo Medical and Dental University. After graduating from Kyushu University, I chose to study at a medical and dental university where orthodontic practice is developing. I provide a wide range of orthodontic services from pediatric to adult orthodontics, but I personally specialize in pediatric orthodontics. I am also able to provide Invisalign and other mouthpiece orthodontic solutions in some cases, so please do not hesitate to contact me.

訪問歯科診療の奥深さについて – Depth of Home Visiting Dental Care


地域の皆さま 暑中お見舞い申し上げます。





  1. 元気で入れ歯をせっかく作製したのに、使用できない患者様、
  2. 認知症が進んでいて、また入院などを繰り返し、体力も低下した患者様で、きっと入れ歯を作っても使用できないだろうなと思っていたのに入れ歯を使用しだしたら元気になったと言われた患者様















<If you prefer English>

We are currently visiting Care Park Konan, Nursing Home Kokoro, and Homa-no Sato as part of our on-site dental services.

I, the vice-director of the clinic, have been engaged in visiting dentists since I was a working doctor, and I have a feeling about it at that time.

  1. There were patients who could not use their dentures even though they were in good health and I had made them for them.
  2. Patients with advanced dementia, repeated hospitalizations, and declining physical fitness, who were not expected to be able to use their dentures even if they had them made, but who told me that they felt better once they started using them.

These two experiences showed me that human beings are truly unknowable and unpredictable.

And even though I have opened my own practice and visit facilities, I still find it difficult to discern the difference.


Are there days when you don’t use your mouth?

Are there days when you don’t eat or talk?


Teeth are part of the body.

Dentures are part of the body.

We need to make them function again and get them back so that they can use their mouth properly.


That is our job.

We are very proud.

地域の皆さま、ありがとうございます。- Thank you, community members.







<If you prefer English>

As of the 24th of this month, Fukaya Yume Dental Clinic will have been open for 3 months.

We thank you very much for the many patients who have visited us from the Fukaya City neighborhood, Kumagaya City, Yorii Town, and other areas.

We, all of us, feel that every day is worthwhile, and we are determined to make further efforts based on the modifications and improvements we have learned from the past two months in order to make the clinic even better.

We look forward to your continued patronage of our clinic.

ホームページを公開しました – Home page is now open.







<If you prefer English>

Thank you for visiting our website.

Today, we have launched our website.

We will be sending out information from the clinic and other useful information for your oral health.

Thank you.

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