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定期検診の重要性 – Importance of Periodic Checkups


皆様、こんにちは!深谷市にある歯医者 ふかや夢デンタルクリニックの院長 松本眞左大です。
















2, 3ヶ月に一度の定期検診を




埼玉県 深谷市 ふかや夢デンタルクリニック

歯科医師・院長  松本眞左大



<If you prefer English>

Hello everyone! My name is Masahiro Matsumoto, Director of Fukaya Yume Dental Clinic, a dentist in Fukaya City. Through this blog, I will share with you stories that will be useful for your oral health. I hope you will find it useful and informative.


This time, I would like to talk about [the importance of regular checkups].

Do you go for regular dental checkups? I suspect that many of you do not.


It is too late after it becomes painful.

From a global perspective, Japan has an extremely low rate of regular checkups.

In Japan, many people go to the dentist only when they feel “pain,” but when pain occurs, the disease has already progressed far enough. Therefore, the scope of treatment is much larger. Teeth that have been ground down cannot be restored. Prevention and early detection of tooth decay through regular checkups is extremely important for future teeth.


Biofilms,  the cause of periodontal disease

Individual brushing inevitably leaves a residue, and bacteria multiply in these areas and form a bacterial mass called a biofilm. Trouble is, if this biofilm is left untreated, periodontal disease will progress, gums will fall, and eventually the jawbone will dissolve and teeth will fall out. According to a survey by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, about 80% of Japanese adults (over 30 years old) are said to have periodontal disease. Although many people may not be aware of the symptoms, periodontal disease is a familiar disease to many people. The biofilm that causes this periodontal disease can only be removed with special instruments at the dentist’s office. Regular checkups to clean your teeth are very important to prevent periodontal disease.


Periodic checkups every 2 or 3 months

Fukaya Yume Dental Clinic focuses on preventive dentistry based on the belief that “we contribute to our patients’ lifelong enjoyment of delicious food. The oral cavity is the gateway to the whole body. We hope to support our patients in “maintaining their oral environment” through regular checkups in order to “maintain their overall health. Please feel free to visit us.


Sincerely yours,
Masahiro Matsumoto
